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Double Ring Swivels

Double Ring Swivels

The Double Ring Swivel is an essential component for drop-off in-line lead setups, providing maximum flexibility and efficiency in rig mechanics. Specifically designed to enhance rig performance, this swivel is particularly effective when fishing in weedy or snaggy conditions, where a quick-release lead system can make all the difference in safely landing fish.


One of the key features of the Double Ring Swivel is its dual-ring design, which serves two crucial functions. The first ring acts as a flexible hinge for the hooklink, allowing for enhanced movement and natural bait presentation, leading to improved hook-ups. The second ring is used for attaching the leadcore leader, ensuring a secure yet efficient connection.


When a carp is hooked, the swivel is designed to easily pull out of its housing, allowing the lead to drop away. This is particularly beneficial when stalking fish in weedy margins or fishing in snaggy environments, as it prevents the carp from using the weight of the lead to shake the hook free. By losing the lead upon a take, the fish can be guided out of weedy areas more effectively, reducing the risk of losing your catch.


Made with high-strength, non-reflective materials, the Double Ring Swivel ensures durability, stealth, and reliability, making it a must-have addition for anglers who demand efficient and fish-safe rig mechanics.


10 per pack.


Price includes UK delivery.

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